This involves gaining skills related to STEM subjects, using programs to solve problems, and computational thinking. In a competitive society, it is vital for children to learn skills that will help them be a part of this connected world. It is our responsibility to harness their curiosity and technical expertise in a positive way. With all the readily available technology that exists around us right now, many children start using phones and tablets even before they begin to read.

In a society that unfortunately encourages more boys to participate in STEM subjects than girls, LEGO WeDo 2.0 is a key reminder that all genders can and should be exposed to engineering toys that encourage coding and computational skills from a young age, building students’ self-esteem as they excel at a foundational level. As LEGO states, WeDo 2.0 is supposed to make science and computing come to life. As LEGO WeDo is aimed at students from elementary school until grade 4, it makes Olivia a perfect candidate to use the program. The set-up of LEGO WeDo 2.0 revolves around key skills needed for this century like critical thinking, teamwork and problem-solving.

LEGO WeDo 2.0 starts students with easier projects that lay the foundation for more complex projects as the students begin the master the program. These projects provide 40 hours of engaged classroom time with guides for students and teachers. The projects in LEGO WeDo 2.0 deal with a range of subjects, including physical, life, earth and space science. LEGO WeDo 2.0 is the successor to the original LEGO WeDo, a part of the LEGO Education Junior Robotics range of products.
Wedo lego projects software#
LEGO WeDo 2.0 is aimed at elementary students through easy-to-use software and curriculum-relevant challenges. The computational thinking learned through LEGO WeDo is done by introducing students to the concept of coding. These skills are vital in a real-world setting and the projects available are specifically designed to engage students’ abilities in robotics and coding. The focus of LEGO WeDo is to encourage students to explore STEM subjects in a fun and engaging manner. What is LEGO WeDo? LEGO WeDo is an educational set that combines LEGO bricks and software, introducing computational thinking and engineering principles through projects and an inquiry-based approach to learning. Olivia, a grade 2 pupil, is one of those students that LEGO is trying to appeal to as they promote STEM-based subjects through robotics hardware and software.

Many children grew up playing with LEGO toys and the company has understood that times are changing, so their iconic bricks are changing with them. The colorful bricks have been an inspiration for everything from towers to bridges to cars and houses, allowing girls and boys of all ages to explore their imaginations through play. LEGO has always been a staple of children’s toys and many parents’ foot has felt the pain of a LEGO brick.